» Roman era and its heirs. [62] After a day of heavy skirmishing in which the Romans gained the upper hand, Sempronius was eager for a battle. C'est l'histoire d'un événement important qui s'est produit près du village de Tuoro, la lutte du lac Trasimène, qui a vu s'opposer les armées romaines et carthaginoises, dirigé par Hannibal, qui a vu la défaite romaine avec la mort du consul Caius Flaminius et … Le 21 juin est donné ici comme le jour anniversaire de la défaite, en 217 a.C., de l'armée romaine par Hannibal près du lac Trasimène : le consul Caius Flaminius avait méprisé tous les avertissements divins qui lui déconseillaient de livrer bataille. [64] Fresh Carthaginian cavalry routed the outnumbered Roman cavalry,[65] and Carthaginian light infantry outflanked the Roman infantry. [59][60] The Romans retreated to near Placentia, fortified their camp and awaited reinforcement. "[111] Similarly, historian Robert O’Connell writes, "[It was] the only time an entire large army was effectively swallowed and destroyed by such a maneuver. [8] The Senate commissioned Servilius to replace Publius Cornelius Scipio and take command of his army, and Flaminius was appointed to lead what remained of Sempronius’s army. An army was usually formed by combining a Roman legion with a similarly sized and equipped legion provided by their Latin allies; allied legions usually had a larger attached complement of cavalry than Roman ones. The Carthaginians crossed the mountains by a difficult but unguarded route and so surprised the Romans. Each was given command of a newly levied consular army, bolstered by the survivors of Trebia, for the coming campaign. Polybius has 15,000 killed and most of the rest captured. Night marches are notoriously difficult and often result in units becoming lost in the dark or alerting their enemy. [note 9][101] The Romans would have had a screen of light infantry out to their front and, to a lesser extent, their flank, as skirmishing was usual before a battle with the armies' respective light troops shielding their close order colleagues while they formed up. Hannibal immediately followed, but marched faster and soon passed the Roman army. Nearly 2,000 were killed in the first clash; the balance were surrounded and captured the next day. Les trains qui font le parcours de Florence à Rome, bondés de voyageurs, défilent sans se lasser devant Castiglione del Lago. [97], The leading Romans made contact with the most easterly of the Carthaginians, probably some of the African or Iberian close-order infantry, and the signal was given for all of the Carthaginians to advance, possibly by the sounding of trumpets. If the Romans had been in a single column, it would have stretched for more than 8 kilometres (5 mi) along the lakeshore, probably much more. Ducarios - Cavalier insubre qui s'illustra en 217 av. Il entra ensuite en Apulie. Sources other than Polybius are discussed by Bernard Mineo in "Principal Literary Sources for the Punic Wars (apart from Polybius)". [17] The classicist Adrian Goldsworthy considers Livy's "reliability is often suspect", especially with regard to his descriptions of battles,[note 2][19] and he is generally considered untrustworthy by modern historians. An introduction to the near-space concept. Caius Flaminius Nepos (mort en 217 av. News of the defeat caused a panic in Rome. SECONDE GUERRE MONDIALE. Marching blindly into the valley of Lake Trasimene, he was ambushed by Carthaginian forces hidden on the valley side. The main source for almost every aspect of the Punic Wars[note 1] is the historian Polybius (c. 200 – c. 118 BC), a Greek general sent to Rome in 167 BC as a hostage. Crossing the Alps Hannibal arrived in Cisalpine Gaul (northern Italy) in autumn 218 BC. Citations de Flaminius Nepos Pas des citations pour le moment Articles contenant Flaminius Nepos Pas des articles pour le moment Related posts:farinacées fibrosarcome flamenco Fontenailles 2) Fr. [3] His works include a now-lost manual on military tactics,[4] but he is now known for The Histories, written sometime after 146 BC. Individual pages signify the copyright for the content on that page. [41], It was the long-standing Roman procedure to elect two men each year, known as consuls, to each lead an army. Après la mort du consul Caius Flaminius Nepos à la bataille du lac Trasimène en avril (Fabius Maximus devenant le mois suivant dictateur), il assume le commandement de la flotte romaine surveillant la Sardaigne, la Corse et la côte d'Afrique du nord. According to some ancient accounts the Romans could hear these signals on their flank and to their rear, but could not see their enemy, which caused confusion. Noun 1. [107][108] Geminus withdrew his infantry back to Ariminum (modern Rimini) on the Adriatic. According to the contemporary annalist and senator Fabius Pictor 15,000 were killed and 10,000 scattered. Bataille du lac Trasimène 43° 12′ 09″ N 12° 07′ 04″ E / 43.2026, 12.1179. [38] In 218 BC a Carthaginian army under Hannibal besieged, captured and sacked Saguntum. Époque: République romaine moyenne (d) Activités: Homme politique de la Rome antique, militaire. The Battle of Lake Trasimene was fought when a Carthaginian force under Hannibal ambushed a Roman army commanded by Gaius Flaminius on 21 June 217 BC, during the Second Punic War.It took place on the north shore of Lake Trasimene, to the east of Cortona, and resulted in a heavy defeat for the Romans.The First Punic War between Carthage and Rome ended in 241 BC after 23 years. Le 1 er endroit remarquable que l’on rencontre en Ombrie quand on quitte la Toscane est le lac Trasimène, rendu célèbre il y a très très longtemps (le 21 juin 217 av. [20][21], The disaster for Rome did not end there. The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). JC. Livy, however, claims the Carthaginians suffered from a shortage of food throughout the winter. [45], Meanwhile, Hannibal assembled a Carthaginian army in New Carthage (modern Cartagena) over the winter, marching north in May 218 BC he entered Gaul to the east of the Pyrenees, then took an inland route to avoid the Roman allies along the coast. Il traita de même, peu de temps après, le préteur Caius Centénius, qui occupait des défilés avec un corps d’élite. Plan . Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. [94] In any event, the Carthaginian army was considerably larger than the Roman. Some Romans fled, others clustered into groups of various sizes, ready to engage the enemy on all sides. Caius Flaminius Nepos ... Bataille du lac Trasimène. Below the camp, he placed his heavy infantry (Iberians and Africans) upon a slight elevation. Carthage commander; Hannibal. Then he posted his light troops at intervals along the heights overlooking the plain, with orders to keep well hidden in the woods until signalled to attack. NAPOLÉON Ier. The Carthaginians under Hannibal defeated the Romans under the consul Gaius Flaminius. [79][82] The Carthaginians bypassed the Roman-garrisoned city of Cortona and on 20 June marched along the shore of Lake Trasimene. Soldier Type We provide a full miniature production cycle from creation to a scratch to casting and painting. [3][12][13] The modern historian Andrew Curry sees Polybius as being "fairly reliable";[14] while Craige Champion describes him as "a remarkably well-informed, industrious, and insightful historian". La bataille du lac Trasimène du 21 juin 217 av. Gaius Flaminius C. f. L. n. (c. 275 BC – 217 BC) was a leading Roman politician in the third century BC. Hannibal and the remnants of his army were recalled from Italy to confront him. [42][43], At Lake Trasimene the Romans fielded four legions – two Roman and two made up of allies – for a total of approximately 25,000 men. [116] The Carthaginians continued their march through Etruria, then Umbria, to the Adriatic coast; continuing their devastation and plundering of the territory they crossed and the killing of any adult males captured; the Gauls were especially brutal in this respect. Soldier Type We provide a full miniature production cycle from creation to a scratch to casting and painting. Nov 15, 2017 - Battle of Lake Trasimene, Italy, 217 BC. Within a day or two, a reinforcement force of 4,000 under the propraetor Gaius Centenius was intercepted and destroyed. J.C.) par Hannibal Barca, le carthaginois qui infligea sur les rives nord du lac une cuisante défaite aux légions romaines du consul Caius Flaminius. [13][14], Flaminius, eager to exact revenge for the devastation of the countryside and facing increasing political criticism from Rome, finally marched against Hannibal. Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus was elected dictator and adopted the "Fabian strategy" of avoiding pitched conflict, relying instead on low-level harassment to wear the invader down, until Rome could rebuild its military strength. [63], Numidian cavalry lured Sempronius out of his camp and onto ground of Hannibal's choosing, where the Battle of the Trebia took place. Here, they had ample ground from which they could charge down upon the head of the Roman column on the left flank, when it should reach the position. Gajusz Flaminiusz Nepos, łac. Both Consuls moved fast, but Hannibal moved faster and passed Consul Flaminius, pillaging as he went and was able to get Flaminius to give chase. [109], According to the modern military historian Basil Liddell Hart, Hannibal had successfully planned and executed "the greatest ambush in history. 3,200 talents was approximately 82,000 kg (81. The new consuls for 217 BC were Servilius Geminus and Caius Flaminius. The Carthaginian soldiers accumulated so much booty they had to cease looting because they could not carry any more. Following Hannibal's crushing victory at the battle of the Trebbia, the reeling Roman Republic sent a new army under the over-confident consul Caius Flaminius to destroy the Carthaginian invaders – unbeknownst to him they were ready and waiting. The army then marched south into Apulia,[117] in the hope of winning over some of the ethnic Greek and Italic city states of southern Italy. En 216 av. It would have taken several hours for the Romans to convert their formation into a battle array, even this had been facing the direction expected. [88][90][note 8] Most of the Carthaginian infantry would fight in a tightly packed formation known as a phalanx, usually forming two or three lines. Collectible Quality implies well-detailed clothes, shields and armor, as well as neatly painted faces and simple patterns. Il est situé sur une pente douce de collines boisées qui alternent champs de tournesols et de maïs, avec des vignobles et des oliveraies. However, Flaminius resisted the temptation and followed Hannibal down to Lake Trasimene, hoping to catch him between his and the other Roman army. [99] As Flaminius was expecting battle, the Romans probably marched in three parallel columns, which was their habit prior to a battle as this was relatively quicker to wheel into a battle line compared with a single line of march. JC, Hannibal place ses troupes en embuscade sur les collines surplombant le lac Trasimène (Italie). The destruction of the Roman force at Lake Trasimene firmly established Hannibal as one of the Ancient World's greatest commanders thanks to … . [5][6] Polybius's work is considered broadly objective and largely neutral as between Carthaginian and Roman points of view. Several days later the Carthaginians wiped out the entire cavalry contingent of the other Roman army. Surprised and outmanoeuvred, the Romans did not have time to draw up in battle array, and were forced to fight a desperate hand-to-hand battle in open order. Realising that they could not effect the battle behind them, they marched on. [82], Most male Roman citizens were eligible for military service and would serve as infantry, a better-off minority providing a cavalry component. In his tribuneship (232) he sponsored an agrarian law for the benefit of the … [105], The second Roman army, originally positioned on the Adriatic coast and commanded by Gnaeus Geminus, had been marching west, intending to join up with Flaminius. Hannibal was left largely free to ravage Apulia for the next year, until the Romans ended the dictatorship and elected Paullus and Varro as consuls. The Spanish used a heavy throwing spear which the Romans were later to adopt as the. A propos; Liste chronologique . Twice consul, in 223 and 217, Flaminius is notable for the Lex Flaminia, a land reform passed in 232, the construction of the Circus Flaminius in 221, and his death at the hands of Hannibal's army at the Battle of Lake Trasimene in 217, during the Second Punic War. Most of the Roman units then collapsed and most Romans were killed or captured by the Carthaginians,[67] but 10,000 under Sempronius maintained formation and fought their way out to the safety of Placentia. Enfant: Caius Flaminius. Dans ce blog, nous avons déjà présenté un récit détaillé de la bataille de Trasimène qui s’est déroulée le 21 juin en l’an – 217 avant J.-C., pendant la deuxième guerre punique, et qui a vu Hannibal vaincre le consul romain Caïus Flaminius Népos :. Pour les articles homonymes, voir Trasimène. Gaius Flaminius synonyms, Gaius Flaminius pronunciation, Gaius Flaminius translation, English dictionary definition of Gaius Flaminius. A Rome, deux nouveaux consuls avaient été nommés : Cneius Servilius Germinus et Caius Flaminius, avec pour mission d'éradiquer le problème punique. Flaminius, Caius kā´əs fləmĭn´ēəs, kī´əs , d. 217 BC, Roman statesman and general. Enter your email address to receive notifications of new posts by email. J.-C.1 est une bataille-clé de la deuxième guerre punique et oppose les troupes romaines du consul Flaminius à l'armée carthaginoise commandée par Hannibal Barca, qui prend ses adversaires dans une embuscade et leur inflige une sévère défaite. To the north of the road were a range of low hills which came closer to the lake towards the east, and the defile, steadily reducing the open ground between them and the lake. Première guerre de Macédoine qui se terminera en -205. [78] Hannibal learnt that one Roman army was at Arretium and was eager to bring it to battle, before it could be reinforced:[79] Hannibal surmised the Romans would have another army on the east coast. Many would be from North Africa which provided several types of fighters including: close-order infantry equipped with large shields, helmets, short swords and long thrusting spears; javelin-armed light infantry skirmishers; close-order shock cavalry[note 7] (also known as "heavy cavalry") carrying spears; and light cavalry skirmishers who threw javelins from a distance and avoided close combat. [121][122] Subsequently the Carthaginians campaigned in southern Italy for a further 13 years. The Carthaginians continued their march through Etruria, then Umbria to the Adriatic coast; continuing their devastation and plundering of the territory they crossed and the killing of any adult males captured. BLAIVE, Impius Bellator. This could be increased to 5,000 in some circumstances. See "Terms of Service" link for more information. Flaminius was the son of Gaius Flaminius who was killed in the battle of Lake Trasimene. [68] Recognising the Carthaginians as the dominant force in Cisalpine Gaul, Gallic recruits flocked to them and their army grew to 60,000. [44] The Roman Senate detached one Roman and one allied legion from the force intended for Iberia to send to the region. Wikipédia en Français. Another 10,000 are reported to have made their way back to Rome by various means, and the rest were captured. Récit de Tite-Live de la bataille de Trasimène illustré de photos du lieu de l’embuscade.. [123] They met at the Battle of Zama in October 202 BC[124] and Hannibal was decisively defeated. Dans le coeur vert de l'Ombrie, entre les roseaux et les nymphéas blancs, se trouve le lac Trasimène, un véritable paradis naturel peuplé entre autres de canards sauvages, de cormorans, de milans et de martins-pêcheurs. 3 – Sardaigne de 214 à 207 av. À présent convaincu que des mesures exceptionnelles sont nécessaires, le sénat accepte de nommer Fabius dictateur. Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus was elected dictator by the Roman Assembly and adopted the “Fabian strategy” of avoiding pitched conflict, relying instead on low-level harassment to wear the invader down, until Rome could rebuild its military strength. The army then marched south into Apulia, in the hope of winning over some of the ethnic Greek and Italic city states of southern Italy. )[113], The prisoners were badly treated if they were Romans; the Latin allies who were captured were well treated by the Carthaginians and many were freed and sent back to their cities, in the hope that they would speak well of Carthaginian martial prowess and of their treatment. The Carthaginians under Hannibal defeated the Romans under the consul Gaius Flaminius. The latter was under threat of recall from the Senate for leaving Rome without carrying out the proper rituals after being elected consul. [9][10][11] The accuracy of Polybius's account has been much debated over the past 150 years, but the modern consensus is to accept it largely at face value, and the details of the battle in modern sources are largely based on interpretations of Polybius's account. Our logo, banner, and trademark are registered and fully copyright protected (not subject to Creative Commons). J.-C., il est préfet et commande les forces terrestres romaines. village de Tuoro, la lutte du lac Trasimène, qui a vu s'opposerles armées romaines et carthaginoises, dirigé par Hannibal, qui a vu la défaite romaine avec la mort du consul Caius Flaminius et la propagation de 'carthaginoise armée en Italie. TRASIMÈNE TRASIMÈNE (en latin Trasimenus lacus, en italien Trasimeno). [88][91], The numbers fielded by the Carthaginians are not known, but an approximation can be made. Following Hannibal's crushing victory at the battle of the Trebbia, the reeling Roman Republic sent a new army under the over-confident consul Caius Flaminius to destroy the Carthaginian invaders.