Writers in the Classical period and later, however, took the idea of the Panoptes to even further extremes.Taking the name literally, they interpreted it as meaning that Argus was literally covered in eyes. –Spartan soldier On landing Argus will attack the nearest target. Her suspicions about the heifer were confirmed.She sent a gadfly to torment Io, who was still in the form of a cow. Even in the ancient world, many people seemed to forget that he had also killed one of the world’s most dangerous monsters and saved Arcadia from multiple dangers.Like the city he was associated with, the strength and heroism of Argus faded over time. He was so vigilant in his duties that he was said to have one … Then himself, afar, high on a mountain top sat sentinel to keep his scrutiny on every side.-Ovid, Metamorphoses 1. He was described by writers as Panoptes, all eyes, for the close guard he kept over the heifer Io.Helios was called Panoptes because from his position in the sky he could see everything that happened on the world below him. The slaying of Echidna, in particular, earned him the friendship of the gods.For his heroic actions, and as a native of a city under her patronage, Hera took Argus into her service. Io could do nothing to protest her innocence.By day he let her graze, but when the sun sank down beneath the earth he stabled her and tied–for shame!–a halter round her neck. Zeus writhed as misery engulfed his love. His other daughter, Io, would play a much more prominent role in popular myths and come into contact with her nephew, Argus.Mycene gave her name to another city, located less than a dozen kilometers from Argos. An Argus on each side of the battle was killed.Dogs belonging to both Odysseus and Actaeon. Argus was appointed by the goddess Hera to watch the cow into which Io (Hera’s priestess) had been transformed, but he was slain by Hermes, who is called Argeiphontes, “Slayer of Argus,” in the Homeric poems. One of the world’s oldest continuously inhabited cities, Argos was a center of culture and economy in Bronze Age Greece.Located on a fertile plain, known as Argolis, the site had been inhabited for over 6,000 years before Homer wrote his poems. The name itself carried the prestige and strength of the city, even when a man was not from its ruling family.The legend of Argus Panoptes, in particular, shows the ways in which the city was reflected in those named for it. Set to watch one of Zeus’s first mortal mistresses, the giant was killed by Hermes as he served his goddess. He was a servant of Hera; one of the tasks that were given to him was to slay the fearsome monster Echidna, wife of Typhon, which he successfully completed.However, his main task, at Hera's request, was to guard Io, a nymph that Zeus … Believing him to be a simple shepherd, Argus invited him to keep him company.Hermes lulled Argus with his playing as he told stories about the invention of his instrument and the exploits of the gods. To be watched or followed by the eyes of Argus was a way of saying that a person was under intense, endless scrutiny.But there was a lot more to the story of Argus than just his final duty.He wasn’t always a hundred-eyed watchman. While he had left his signature winged helmet and sandals behind, he carried a wand that had the power to induce sleep.Hermes played his reed pipes as he approached the temple. " The battle has angered the gods! She feared not only the god, but the anger of his wife.Io was plagued by dreams in which Zeus attempted to seduce her.When she confessed this to her father, he turned her out of his house. After Alexander the Great reached India, the story of Dionysus waging war on the people there developed.In the later periods of Greek culture, then, the peacock was brought into Greek mythology as a tribute to Argus. Some made his spirit the gadfly that chased Io, but when she resumes her human form the fly simply fades out of the story.It was common, however, for the gods to eternally commemorate those they loved or who had done them a great service. Although Io appeared to be a simple cow, Hera knew her husband’s talent for shapeshifting.Argus followed his mistress’s commands and kept a close eye on the heifer. These included:The name Argus is related to the city of Argos. The monster designed for the game was completed but was cut since he did not fit in the story.God of War Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.https://godofwar.fandom.com/wiki/Argos?oldid=113538.According to some myths, when he was killed Hera took his eyes and placed them on the tail-feathers of the peacock, her sacred bird, to commemorate his services.Argos is also the name of a city-state in. I have been in love with all things related to Mythology. Instead, he is best remembered as a watchman.Io, who according to some genealogies was his aunt, was a priestess of Hera in her temple at Argos. I am the owner and chief researcher at this site. While Argos was less powerful than it had once been, the stories still reflected an earlier time when it had been one of the most influential city-states in Greece.The repetition of the name in mythology is a reflection of this power.Many of the characters named Argus traced their lineage back to the first king of that name. Most had been killed and buried in the earth where they were said to cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.Argus, however, was not one of these giants.Rather than being destructive and hateful toward the gods, Argus had the makings of a hero.In one story, he had been sent to kill the monster Echidna. . He also killed a villainous satyr that had been stealing livestock and threatening farmers in the same region.These were great deeds that deserved reward. As the all-knowing king of the gods and as the deity of the sky, Zeus too was sometimes called by this name.But Argus remained the figure most closely associated with the epithet, and the one whose image would be most affected by it.While the Archaic Greeks used “all eyes,” to mean all-seeing or omnipotent, later writers had a tendency to be more literal.Some early versions of the story, such as that found in a fragment of Hesiod, claim that Argus had four eyes so that he could see in all directions at once. Argus Panoptes or Argos was a hundred-eyed giant in Greek mythology. Mycenae was such a major center of the Greek world that the period of 1600 – 1100 BC in Greece and the surrounding Mediterranean region is referred to as the Mycenean.With such parentage, Argus was very different than many of the other giants in Greek mythology.The Gigantes were generally considered primordial children of Gaia.Gaia had sent her giant children in an attempt to seize power from the gods of Olympus soon after Zeus took power. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree....Who is the Roman equivalent of the Greek god Ares?Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox.By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica.Get kids back-to-school ready with Expedition: Learn. She claimed to have taken a liking to the heifer and asked her husband if she could have it as a token of his love.Zeus had no choice but to hand Io over to his wife. The city was largely shunned by the other Greek powers for remaining neutral in their fight against Persia.But this time, the 5th century BC, the foundations had already been laid for many of the myths. My work has also been published on Buzzfeed and most recently in Time magazine. He had a hundred eyes and could sleep while always leaving some eyes open, making him the perfect watchman. She hurried to the site in an attempt to catch her cheating husband in the act.Zeus realized that his wife was coming and acted quickly to cover his tracks. Soon, it was common to describe the giant as having one hundred eyes covering his body.Because only a few of these eyes slept at any given time, he was able to keep watch over Io day and night.When Hermes lulled him to sleep, according to these accounts, it was by getting one eye to close at a time until they were all at rest.The description of Argus as a hundred-eyed giant lived on in written mythology, although artists widely avoided depicting the grotesque spectacle of a monster with eyes covering his frame.The literal interpretation of Argus has having a hundred eyes gave rise to another later addition to the story – his commemoration by Hera.In the early versions of the myth, Argus is killed outright. Both the satyr he was said to have killed and the bull he defeated had threatened Arcadia, the region in which Athens lies.Often, myths such as these contained clues about the actual history of the distant past. While recalled Argus will defend Hera and attack anyone that gets close. Many stories were added to the existing mythology to tie foreign cultures and features into their world.Increased contact with Egypt, for example, led a story of the gods seeking refuge there that made the gods of Egypt into aspects of the Greek pantheon. They have sent Hera's giant, Argos, to slay us! " Her father, Inachus, had founded the city after surviving the great flood that destroyed most of humanity.Inachus had named Hera as the patroness of Argos.In mythology, Inachus is not remembered primarily for founding a city or fathering Mycene, however. To refuse would be proof that he was hiding something, and both he and Io would suffer the consequences.Hera took the white cow back to her temple and summoned her faithful servant, Argus.She commanded Argus to watch over Io day and night, suspecting some trick on Zeus’s part. When Argus became drowsy from the music, Hermes pulled out his wand.With a simple wave of his magic wand, the god put the giant into a deep sleep.From there, Ovid said he pulled out a sword he had hidden in his robes and struck off the giant’s head. In doing so, he had eliminated one of the worst threats of his time.In another story, Argus had killed a terrible bull that had been rampaging throughout Arcadia. Often this was as a constellation, but it was also done through plants, animals, or landmarks.Thus, Hera commemorated Argus. . But the whole story of the giant reveals more about both him and Greek history than just his involvement with one of Zeus’s affairs.My name is Mike and for as long as I can remember (too long!) She browsed on leaves of trees and bitter weeds, and for her bed, poor thing, lay on the ground, not always grassy, and drank the muddy streams; and when, to plead with Argus, she would try to stretch her arms, she had no arms to stretch. Zeus’s would-be mistress wandered the entire world attempting to escape both the fly’s stings and the god’s affections.In some versions of the story, the gadfly that Hera sent after Io was not a simple insect. She knew his predilection for beautiful young human women and had no doubts that his eye was wandering.When she saw a single thunderstorm in the distance, her suspicions seemed confirmed. Hera can control where Argus moves through refiring this ability onto an enemy or if he has a target, to recall him. Learn the story of how Hera employed Argus Panoptes, the giant guardian of legend!Argus was a giant in the service of Hera who was remembered for his watchfulness.Set to watch one of Zeus’s first mortal mistresses, the giant was killed by Hermes as he served his goddess.He was so vigilant in his duties that he was said to have one hundred eyes that allowed him to be watchful at all times. Hera brings Argus crashing down at a location, damaging and knocking up enemies. Please like and share this article if you found it useful.Like many of the famous ancient heroes, Perseus was the son of a god. 624 ff (trans. The giant’s watchfulness could be an allegorical reference to the involvement of this city he’s from in the affairs of the Greek world.The legends about Argus before he entered Hera’s service show the role his city played in the ancient world. Argus’s eyes were transferred by Hera to the tail of the peacock. Melville).Zeus could hear Io’s plaintive mooing and resolved to rescue her from her captivity.Hermes disguised himself as a shepherd to avoid attracting the giant’s attention. The mother of many of the most terrible monsters in mythology, she was feared for preying on travellers.Argus killed her by sneaking into her cave while she slept. Although its political and military influence waned through the ages, Argos was remembered in the myths as a metaphorical giant who oversaw everything that happened in the world of the ancient Greeks.The watchfulness of Argus became his defining trait. Yet, Argus was not a monster or a villain.There is a lot more to the story of Argus Panoptes than just his role as a watchman.From how a giant won the favor of Hera to what his myth has to say about the world of the ancient Greeks, the story of Argus is full of surprises!Although Argus was a giant, he came from a family with far more wide-spread connections to important people and events in Greek mythology. As the legendary founder of a great city, his name lent authority and legitimacy to his descendants for many generations.The name also tied characters back to that power even if they were unrelated. It was even strong enough to challenge nearby Sparta for dominance over Eastern Greece.The power of Argos began to wain in the Classical Era. He went to the temple at night, when he knew Hera would not be there to spot him.He did not go unarmed, though. Io had been turned into a cow, taken from her home, and now trapped under Hera's orders. He became her faithful and devoted follower.Unfortunately, service to Hera would also be the giant’s downfall.The most well-known story of Argus is not the slaying or Echidna or any of his other heroic services to the gods and man.
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