0000096694 00000 n UML @ Classroom. 0000116990 00000 n Index Outline/Readings Exams and Challenge Problems Class Resources Lecture Notes Problem Session Notes Outline, Schedule, and Readings The readings (for one book or the other) are required, even if material is not covered in the lectures. Introduction UML defines three stereotypes of association between Use Cases, «include», «extend» and generalisation. 0000115802 00000 n 0000100608 00000 n This pdf file contains the Unified Modeling Language UML 2.5 Specification Document including notation and detailed semantics. Because SysML is based on UML, it's easy for systems engineers familiar with UML to learn it, and for existing UML tool providers to support it. The matching QM model-based design tool and other host-based tools complement the QP … 0000114508 00000 n 0000121206 00000 n 0000113933 00000 n 0000118173 00000 n 0000101783 00000 n 0000084923 00000 n UML Tutorial II (PDF 33P) This note covers the following topics: Structural Modeling Diagrams, Behavioral Modeling Diagrams, UML 2 Activity Diagram, Objects and Object Flows, Decision and Merge Nodes, Fork and Join Nodes, UML 2 Class Diagram, UML 2 Communication Diagram, Component Diagram, Composite Structure Diagram,Deployment Diagram, Interaction Overview … 0000117976 00000 n 0000108584 00000 n 0000092549 00000 n 0000086623 00000 n 0000105550 00000 n 0000093132 00000 n This paper. 0000106833 00000 n 0000087004 00000 n Luckily, more and more people are willing to share their experience and knowledge with others and they don’t want any compensation for this. 0000061833 00000 n Free PDF. 0000083900 00000 n SAP PP ( Production Planning) is a SAP modules, specially designed for integrating different department involved in production and manufacturing. 0000090226 00000 n 0000121794 00000 n Unified Modeling Language (UML) •UML is a graphical tool to visualize and analyze the requirements and do design of an object-oriented solution to a problem •Three basic types of diagrams: –Use Case Diagram (Shown previously) –Class Diagram (The most useful one for us) –Interaction Diagram •I will use Class Diagrams in presenting the 0000120253 00000 n 0000113750 00000 n 0000110314 00000 n Your path could lead anywhere. Rich Dad Poor Dad: What The Rich Teach Their Kids About Money - That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! Introduction Introduction à UML UML et l’OMG OMG = Object Management Group (www.omg.org) : Fondé en 1989 pour standardiser et promouvoir l’objet Version 1.0 d’UML (Unified Modeling Language) en janvier 1997 Version 2.5 en octobre 2012 Définition d’UML selon l’OMG : Langage visuel dédié à la spécification, la construction et la 0000123109 00000 n 0000107419 00000 n 0000109754 00000 n 0000088322 00000 n The standard MOF foundation means that MOF tools can manipulate SysML Si Homme était une classe, Marie en serait une instance : un objet. 0000016042 00000 n 0000121392 00000 n Those who already know an object-oriented Introduction to the Unified Modeling Language Terry Quatrani, UML Evangelist If you’re a complete UML beginner, then consider this as UML 101, a basic introduction to the notational elements of the UML. Introduction à UML 2. 0000094428 00000 n 0000105733 00000 n 0000107606 00000 n PDF. 0000018846 00000 n 0000116777 00000 n 0000101399 00000 n 0000123851 00000 n 0000109367 00000 n 0000083990 00000 n UML: introduction Achref El Mouelhi Docteur de l’universite d’Aix-Marseille´ Chercheur en programmation par contrainte (IA) Ingenieur en g´ enie logiciel´ elmouelhi.achref@gmail.com H & H: Research and Training 1 / 16 0000105184 00000 n Also, SQL PDF teach you basic to advanced SQL. QP real-time embedded frameworks (RTEFs) provide lightweight, modern event-driven architecture based on active objects (actors) and hierarchical state machines. It helps in designing and characterizing, especially those software systems that incorporate the concept of Object orientation. 0000088698 00000 n 0000115619 00000 n 0000092940 00000 n 0000112967 00000 n One reason UML has become a standard_modeling languagei… 0000111240 00000 n 0000099667 00000 n The UML represents a collection of best engineering practices that have proven successful in the modeling of large and 0000106098 00000 n The data has been modified by ESRI to suit the needs of this book and highlight 0000124219 00000 n 0000094997 00000 n 0000104265 00000 n 0000021611 00000 n 0000119864 00000 n READ PAPER. 0000119492 00000 n These are collected UML Class Diagrams is a type of static structure diagram that is used for general conceptual modeling of the systematics of the application. 0000109937 00000 n 0000117574 00000 n 0000120639 00000 n 0000085115 00000 n 0000124032 00000 n 0000099852 00000 n 0000103893 00000 n 0000020262 00000 n 0000089851 00000 n via various open-source and commercial plug-ins. 0000012644 00000 n 0000111619 00000 n Let us see the UML Diagrams MCQs Questions Answers. Download. For a more complete introduction to what business modeling is we refer to Kruchten, 5 and for details to Jacobson et al. 0000112599 00000 n 0000122175 00000 n 758 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 761 /H [ 5871 1023 ] /L 938750 /E 124674 /N 20 /T 923471 >> endobj xref 758 252 0000000016 00000 n 0000120071 00000 n Try the FREE UML Tutorial and Introduction UML Download. %PDF-1.3 %���� 0000011727 00000 n PDF. 0000115439 00000 n 0000114697 00000 n 0000113353 00000 n 0000010759 00000 n 0000023024 00000 n These types of diagrams are essentially the blueprints for the … 0000102370 00000 n 0000103505 00000 n [Meyer-88] provide an introduction to object-oriented concepts that is still valid and therefore unnecessary to duplicate here. 0000121017 00000 n SQL is the standard language to query a database. 0000017452 00000 n 0000014175 00000 n CHAPITRE 7 Introduction à UML. 1.who consider diagrams as a type of Class diagram, component diagram, object diagram, and deployment diagram? 0000100804 00000 n 0000098370 00000 n A similar phenomenon spawned J2EE, SOAP, and Linux.) Later in 1997, it was adopted as an industry standard. a descriptive language: rigid formal syntax (like programming) a prescriptive language: shaped by usage and convention But having this basic understanding of the common models can reduce many of the challenges faced by project teams. The sample data contained on the ArcGIS Water CD–ROM is provided courtesy of the Montgomery Water Works and Sanitary Sewer Board (MWWSSB) of Montgomery, Alabama. 0000123293 00000 n Introduction to UML UML: pictures of an OO system programming languages are not abstract enough for OO design UML is an open standard; lots of companies use it What is legal UML? 0000010789 00000 n 0000093873 00000 n 0000093508 00000 n 0000117183 00000 n 0000097258 00000 n UML is OMG's most-used specification, and the way the world models not only application structure, behavior, and architecture, but also business process and data structure. 0000097447 00000 n 0000120445 00000 n 0000090040 00000 n 2. Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No. 0000093319 00000 n 0000086055 00000 n 0000093693 00000 n Feel free to browse news and articles on UML, success stories, available certification and training, along with the current specifications. 0000116594 00000 n 0000006871 00000 n needs..UML class diagrams is the prime modeling instrument used to map out specific business domains. 0000013373 00000 n 0000117388 00000 n The primary authors were Jim Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson, and Grady Booch, who originally had their own competing methods (OMT, OOSE, and Booch). Use PDF export for high quality prints and SVG export for large sharp images or embed your diagrams anywhere with the Creately viewer. 0000112011 00000 n The reader of this article is assumed to be familiar with the basics of the Unified Modeling Language (UML). The rst draft of the book grew out of the lecture notes for the course that was taught at the Hebrew University by Shai Shalev-Shwartz during 2010{2013. 0000014198 00000 n Stanford Online retired the Lagunita online learning platform on March 31, 2020 and moved most of the courses that were offered on Lagunita to edx.org. H���Mn1��>Ŝ`,Q�@�E��]=AQh�&i←&�(J|36�0|�H=>R9_���~{����ߗ��������������߉V��k�Y-T��lY)/?_O��+Y����A�@߃V4��̨���f���H�e(Ш�F��Ȳ8ٴ}���2�U�e@��.�0��$Jf�:,u��PW�%UW�u1��1v�S����z+"������5���-���_�����:O��@wCȁ���[���r/�mHgk��X�T�:�%�Ն� $���qHP�7�e�,��̍�#Xo���K#CY�e���^)l�$AU�U`wc� 0��vJI��$��Am��јnrI��W�T��B8�6���9\Q��1� �����cZ�b�3H�M��M�ɽ�:2�A�,"S��p�g��K�ʼn1�}ҰbXz��� �7��=��Q�p����TUA�H��G�)�@r��1�6�������r�k�X��E*�o™�Gn�-=ɢ��Z@p�����-�Y.���K��f9�Y����0M`O�%�Jݠ�6��GM+�k�H�͟�*V�W�?%x����/A ;ؠ�`7qRO;�K�f�|�5�л�id�D���&��D���hӒ��� ;�D̒���ۅT��@f��f:5�zW��̷���Cց:��^�f5����3G���u� "�I�"�6S=Ig �ɼv�n�����. 0000091374 00000 n 0000005393 00000 n Eventually, they joined forces and brought about an open standard. 0000111808 00000 n 0000089081 00000 n Mark Priestley: Practical Object-Oriented Design with UML,TATA McGrawHill 5. 0000094621 00000 n 0000110996 00000 n 0000095764 00000 n 0000118547 00000 n 0000099109 00000 n 0000107800 00000 n 0000121983 00000 n 0000087936 00000 n 0000105001 00000 n 0000015346 00000 n 0000090814 00000 n PDF Version Quick Guide Resources Job Search Discussion. 0000102749 00000 n Upset stomach . 0000120826 00000 n For the most part, the popular text books on UML introduce the «include» relationship but give little useful guidance on the «extend» and the generalisation relationships. 0000081222 00000 n 0000096323 00000 n 0000101595 00000 n Extreme Programming is one of several popular Agile Processes.It has already been proven to be very successful at many companies of … Download. For a tutorial introduction to UML that shows how to model a number of common problems, see The Unified Model-ing Language User Guide [Booch-99]. 0000122551 00000 n This eBook will teach you database design. 0000096140 00000 n 0000015576 00000 n 0000010840 00000 n UML and its semantics Introduction to OCL Specifying requirements with OCL Modelling of Systems with Formal Semantics Propositional & First-order logic, sequent calculus OCL to Logic, horizontal proof obligations, using KeY Dynamic logic, proving program correctness Java Card DL Vertical proof obligations, using KeY Wrap-up, trends UML Tutorial in PDF - You can download the PDF of this wonderful tutorial by paying a nominal price of $9.99. 0000095951 00000 n The environment will be instantly recognizable to those at home with the Eclipse platform. INTRODUCTION TO UML MSc programme (induction week) – Department of Informatics Some of this material is based on Bernd Bruegge and Allen H. Dutoit (2009) ‘Object-Oriented Software Engineering: Using UML, Patterns, and Java’, Pearson, 3rd edition. Signs and Symptoms. It exports diagrams in svg, pdf, ps and png formats to be used in text processing systems like docbook, html, latex. 0000115259 00000 n Headache . 4. 0000121584 00000 n 0000088896 00000 n 0000118743 00000 n This eBook explains some important components of SAP P UML basics: An introduction to the Unified Modeling Language Getting started with visual modeling of your Unified modeling language (uml) 1.introduction uml cours uml pdf complet (unified modeling language) est une méthode de modélisation orientée objet développée en réponse à... Téléchargements : 1038 Taille : 112.62 Kb 0 (0 votes) 0000123480 00000 n 0000084737 00000 n 1.1. 0000090406 00000 n 0000117765 00000 n 0000087560 00000 n 0000107997 00000 n Stanford Online offers a lifetime of learning opportunities on campus and beyond. 0000100418 00000 n 0000119131 00000 n 0000086249 00000 n The main aim of UML is to define a standard way to visualize the way a system has been designed. 0000010862 00000 n 0000084549 00000 n UML (Unified Modeling Language) is a standard language for specifying, visualizing, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of software systems. 0000013951 00000 n 0000085675 00000 n As I mentioned, UML was meant to be a unifying language enabling IT professionals to model computer applications. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a standard language for specifying, visualizing, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of software systems, as well as for business modeling and other non-software systems. It can be used to model a variety of systems: software systems, business systems, or any other system. 0000090614 00000 n 0000113164 00000 n It is used for specifying, visualizing, constructing, and documenting the primary artifacts of the software system. You can edit this template and create your own diagram. x��a�� The book is based on Introduction to Machine Learning courses taught by Shai Shalev-Shwartz at the Hebrew University and by Shai Ben-David at the Univer-sity of Waterloo. 0000108959 00000 n 0000021588 00000 n 0000085860 00000 n 6. A short summary of this paper. 0000012603 00000 n 0000118945 00000 n 0000013150 00000 n 0000020285 00000 n 0000084359 00000 n 0000112218 00000 n 0000110766 00000 n 0000112782 00000 n 0000006894 00000 n Download Full PDF Package. 0000100233 00000 n It's a testament to UML's adaptability that a modelling language for a completely new domain can be created in this way. 0000089276 00000 n Looking for your Lagunita course? 0000122731 00000 n Uml Introduction PDF - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Download PDF Package. When it comes to system construction, a class diagram is the most widely used diagram. UML Class Diagram Notation. Appling UML and Patterns: An introduction to Object – Oriented Analysis and Design and Unified Process, Craig Larman, Pearson Education. 0000110122 00000 n 0000091578 00000 n UML@Classroom was created based on our many years of experience in teaching object-oriented modeling at the Vienna University of Technology . An Introduction to Job Stress Job Stress. #UseCase #UML #UseCaseDiagram #DiagramTutorial 0000104632 00000 n 0000107021 00000 n 0000016065 00000 n As software architect, you create a set of diagrams describing use-cases, requirements, structural views, behavioral and deployment views. This paper. Download PDF. facilities. 0000091186 00000 n 0000087186 00000 n Welcome to the Unified Modeling Language™ (UML®) website. 0000092148 00000 n 0000105912 00000 n Unified Modeling Language (UML) makes it possible to describe systems with words and pictures. 0000099482 00000 n 0000102175 00000 n UML stands for Unified Modeling Language. Trouver les cours UML en PDF à télécharger pour apprendre UML 2 modélisation conception et diagrammes use case avec des exemples complet en tutorial. This is the current release of UML. 0000017429 00000 n Overview: modelling with UML The Baller: A Down and Dirty Football Novel, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life, Unfu*k Yourself: Get out of your head and into your life, Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Lies About Who You Are so You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be, Leadership Strategy and Tactics: Field Manual, 0% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful. 0000097067 00000 n This video tutorial series contains: 1. 0000105367 00000 n 0000102935 00000 n Download Full PDF Package. A) structural B) behavioral C) non… UML: The Language of Software Development UML partners UML 1.0 Adopted major revision (2004) UML 2.0 Public Feedback OOPSLA 95 Unified Method 0.8 Other methods OOSE Booch method OMT Web - June 1996 UML 0.9 OMG Acceptance, Nov 1997 Final submission to OMG, Sept 1997 UML 1.1 Minor revision 1999 UML 1.3 Current minor revision 2001 UML … Text books – Object Oriented Analysis and Design – OOAD notes pdf – OOAD pdf notes – OOAD Pdf – OOAD Notes. 0000096509 00000 n UML est un langage qui permet de représenter des modèles, mais il ne définit pas le processus d'élaboration des modèles. PDF. UML includes a set of graphic notation techniques to create visual models of object-oriented software systems. 0000094238 00000 n 0000114122 00000 n From exploring majors to transitioning to a meaningful career, the Career & Co-op Center helps UML students and alumni develop job search skills and make informed career choices while connecting them with employers. 0000104453 00000 n 0000108204 00000 n crystal_facet_uml keeps element names and element hierarchies consistent. How to Download a UML @ Classroom: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Modeling By Martina Seidl & Marion Scholz and Christian Huemer. The UML is very large and there is much that can be done with it beyond what is covered in this introductory course. UML @ Classroom. 37 Full PDFs related to this paper. 0000092747 00000 n H��SohU��v���ܟMr9�pѽ�{IO#��˥)�r��+�� � 撳91� ���FӚ�RI��B��HQ?\�"���O���T���K�B�o���f~3o�> � "7@Pv@7ܓnP�dPo2�F�Y[8�����r�����E=8}��C��v���|��x���={"��� �]?�5뮟�f�J��X�q��*��]Q_����>��Ѓ��E���|Uo�s��Dž���H���n�C�P�����ČtI$b�b��,/X��7�1���e������8��>��]���g�q���#F�V�\��J�JS�=��5��Fв��QI^���9֤���*���u���Ϲ������n��w��(�ec��x"1\�Ր���ڟj�Z����r���b��ʢm5G��]w��g��6`��� ���%��@���`Z��P�0$�"�d;��C�2��1|�z�پ P�\�O 1. 0000103687 00000 n Please Subscribe the my channel techvedas.learn for more future updates. 0000089666 00000 n Premium PDF Package. Creating a UML class diagram for a business will enable to pinpoint what makes this business unique and will provide a good starting point for developing an information system. 0000092347 00000 n 0000114319 00000 n trailer << /Size 1010 /Info 753 0 R /Root 759 0 R /Prev 923460 /ID[<567e61378687e531aaecc8eb00d087b3>] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 759 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 756 0 R /Metadata 754 0 R /OpenAction [ 761 0 R /XYZ null null null ] /PageMode /UseNone /PageLabels 752 0 R /StructTreeRoot 760 0 R /PieceInfo << /MarkedPDF << /LastModified (D:20021107111826)>> >> /LastModified (D:20021107111826) /MarkInfo << /Marked true /LetterspaceFlags 0 >> >> endobj 760 0 obj << /Type /StructTreeRoot /ClassMap 102 0 R /RoleMap 101 0 R /K 690 0 R /ParentTree 703 0 R /ParentTreeNextKey 28 >> endobj 1008 0 obj << /S 577 /L 1134 /C 1150 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 1009 0 R >> stream 0000122917 00000 n 0000100042 00000 n 0000097635 00000 n This article was first published on the Rational Developer Network after presentation at the RUC 2001. 0000085490 00000 n 0000086809 00000 n The first Extreme Programming project was started March 6, 1996. 0000123667 00000 n 0000095183 00000 n 0000109179 00000 n 0000088518 00000 n 0000112400 00000 n 0000102567 00000 n 0000101202 00000 n 0000091957 00000 n The UML was … 0000095374 00000 n Download Free PDF. Real-Time Embedded Frameworks based on active objects & state machines. 0000098558 00000 n 0000087743 00000 n Introduction à UML 2. The Workbench The Eclipse main window consists of various Views and Editors. For a tutorial introduction to UML that shows how to model a number of common problems, see The Unified Model-ing Language User Guide [Booch-99]. (First Chapter FREE) MySQL Workbench Tutorial & MySQL Introduction; Database Design Tutorial: Learn Data Modeling View uml-overview.pdf from ECGR 5101 at University of North Carolina, Charlotte. 0000097820 00000 n UML@Classroom, Springer Verlag, 2015. 0000096882 00000 n 0000107210 00000 n 0000022945 00000 n 0000098005 00000 n Introduction. PDF. 0000047536 00000 n Introduction à UML – Diagramme de Classes 5 Par exemple, si l’on considère que Homme (au sens être humain) est un concept abstrait, on peut dire que la personne Marie est une instance de Homme. 0000110529 00000 n Introduction. 0000108397 00000 n Such a diagram would illustrate the object-oriented view of a system . 0000103313 00000 n 0000010567 00000 n 0000119313 00000 n What is Database? 0000084176 00000 n Introduction To Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE) and SysML Presented at the Delaware Valley INCOSE Chapter Meeting July 30, 2015 Laura E. Hart Lockheed Martin, IS&GS Laura.E.Hart@lmco.com 610-354-6529 Those who already know an object-oriented 0000005871 00000 n SysML support It was developed by Grady Booch, Ivar Jacobson and James Rumbaugh at Rational Software in 1994–1995. 0000104818 00000 n 0000091003 00000 n from UML Same as UML [1] Modified UML Class Diagram [2] Enhanced UML Composite Structure Diagram SysML reuses many of the major diagram types of UML. Creately diagrams can be exported and added to Word, PPT (powerpoint), Excel, Visio or any other document. Multi-platform support (MacOS, Windows and Linux) UML 2.x standard compliant. 0000118356 00000 n 0000098190 00000 n Component Object Model (COM), Unified Modeling Language (UML), and object-oriented database design. 0000101005 00000 n 0000111436 00000 n 0000088121 00000 n 0000085305 00000 n [Meyer-88] provide an introduction to object-oriented concepts that is still valid and therefore unnecessary to duplicate here. 0000098741 00000 n 0000099294 00000 n Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a general purpose modelling language. 0000094810 00000 n Introduction à la Modélisation Orientée Objet Plan 1 Introduction à la Modélisation Orientée Objet 2 Modèlisation objet élémentaire avec UML 3 UML et méthododologie 4 Modélisation avancée avec UML 5 Bonnes pratiques de la modélisation objet Pierre Gérard (P13 IUT Villetaneuse) Introduction à UML 2 DUT Informatique S2D 2 / 342 Introduction à la programmation orientée objets 71 7.1 Introduction . Sleep disturbances . 0000011749 00000 n 0000018823 00000 n It describes the working of both the software and hardware systems. 0000089476 00000 n Composite structure diagram. 0000114889 00000 n 0000103126 00000 n These PDF files also contain exercises, examples of practical work and other things that will make the learning process easier and simpler.All it takes is a computer, access to the Internet and of course – patience and willpower. �a���g_�;�Bnh"l���in+Q-��|�&x])ivR���l/�V)w�0������2��^g���Y�UZ�Dט�?Q�Z>�Γ��1�r�N�4�"���a4�)*T�ǔ�W�>ATsm�1�I\%tI������ǿ$�V�kBN�'��]6RD��UE%f��BT�)�γx��y�֠6�|ET��`k -���ҜR&��-��͞�ܨ�v��y��q�z.� S�}����!��\`3�G����كNO���E&�ڦ�³t�U���}�W�������D���4L��uS"�1�a�+��F��� ��4������E�c+��?��r� �k�̷ ~�Dv :��V�M�+M�uT�%� -2>S endstream endobj 1009 0 obj 895 endobj 761 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 755 0 R /Resources << /ColorSpace << /CS3 770 0 R /CS4 765 0 R /CS5 764 0 R >> /XObject << /Im211 796 0 R /Im212 797 0 R /Im213 798 0 R /Im214 799 0 R /Im215 800 0 R /Im216 801 0 R /Im217 802 0 R /Im218 803 0 R /Im219 804 0 R /Im220 805 0 R /Im221 806 0 R /Im222 807 0 R /Im223 808 0 R /Im224 809 0 R /Im225 810 0 R /Im226 811 0 R /Im227 812 0 R /Im228 813 0 R /Im229 814 0 R /Im230 815 0 R /Im231 816 0 R /Im232 817 0 R /Im233 818 0 R /Im234 819 0 R /Im235 820 0 R /Im236 821 0 R /Im237 822 0 R /Im238 823 0 R /Im239 824 0 R /Im240 825 0 R /Im241 826 0 R /Im242 827 0 R /Im243 828 0 R /Im244 829 0 R /Im245 830 0 R /Im246 831 0 R /Im247 832 0 R /Im248 833 0 R /Im249 834 0 R /Im250 835 0 R /Im251 836 0 R /Im252 837 0 R /Im253 838 0 R /Im254 839 0 R /Im255 840 0 R /Im256 841 0 R /Im257 842 0 R /Im258 843 0 R /Im259 844 0 R /Im260 845 0 R /Im261 846 0 R /Im262 847 0 R /Im263 848 0 R /Im264 849 0 R /Im265 850 0 R /Im266 851 0 R /Im267 852 0 R /Im268 853 0 R /Im269 854 0 R /Im270 855 0 R /Im271 856 0 R /Im272 857 0 R /Im273 858 0 R /Im274 859 0 R /Im275 860 0 R /Im276 861 0 R /Im277 862 0 R /Im278 863 0 R /Im279 864 0 R /Im280 865 0 R /Im281 866 0 R /Im282 867 0 R /Im283 868 0 R /Im284 869 0 R /Im285 870 0 R /Im286 871 0 R /Im287 872 0 R /Im288 873 0 R /Im289 874 0 R /Im290 875 0 R /Im291 876 0 R /Im292 877 0 R /Im293 878 0 R /Im294 879 0 R /Im295 880 0 R /Im296 881 0 R /Im297 882 0 R /Im298 883 0 R /Im299 884 0 R /Im300 885 0 R /Im301 886 0 R /Im302 887 0 R /Im303 888 0 R /Im304 889 0 R /Im305 890 0 R /Im306 891 0 R /Im307 892 0 R /Im308 893 0 R /Im309 894 0 R /Im310 895 0 R /Im311 896 0 R /Im312 897 0 R /Im313 898 0 R /Im314 899 0 R /Im315 900 0 R /Im316 901 0 R /Im317 902 0 R /Im318 903 0 R /Im319 904 0 R /Im320 905 0 R /Im321 906 0 R /Im322 907 0 R /Im323 908 0 R /Im324 909 0 R /Im325 910 0 R /Im326 911 0 R /Im327 912 0 R /Im328 913 0 R /Im329 914 0 R /Im330 915 0 R /Im331 916 0 R /Im332 917 0 R /Im333 918 0 R /Im334 919 0 R /Im335 920 0 R /Im336 921 0 R /Im337 922 0 R /Im338 923 0 R /Im339 924 0 R /Im340 925 0 R /Im341 926 0 R /Im342 927 0 R /Im343 928 0 R /Im344 929 0 R /Im345 930 0 R /Im346 931 0 R /Im347 932 0 R /Im348 933 0 R /Im349 934 0 R /Im350 935 0 R /Im351 936 0 R /Im352 937 0 R /Im353 938 0 R /Im354 939 0 R /Im355 940 0 R /Im356 941 0 R /Im357 942 0 R /Im358 943 0 R /Im359 944 0 R /Im360 945 0 R /Im361 946 0 R /Im362 947 0 R /Im363 948 0 R /Im364 949 0 R /Im365 950 0 R /Im366 951 0 R /Im367 952 0 R /Im368 953 0 R /Im369 954 0 R /Im370 955 0 R /Im371 956 0 R /Im372 957 0 R /Im373 958 0 R /Im374 959 0 R /Im375 960 0 R /Im376 961 0 R /Im377 962 0 R /Im378 963 0 R /Im379 964 0 R /Im380 965 0 R /Im381 966 0 R /Im382 967 0 R /Im383 968 0 R /Im384 969 0 R /Im385 970 0 R /Im386 971 0 R /Im387 972 0 R /Im388 973 0 R /Im389 974 0 R /Im390 975 0 R /Im391 976 0 R /Im392 977 0 R /Im393 978 0 R /Im394 979 0 R /Im395 980 0 R /Im396 981 0 R /Im397 982 0 R /Im398 983 0 R /Im399 984 0 R /Im400 985 0 R /Im401 986 0 R /Im402 987 0 R /Im403 988 0 R /Im404 989 0 R /Im405 990 0 R /Im406 991 0 R /Im407 992 0 R /Im408 993 0 R /Im409 994 0 R /Im410 995 0 R /Im411 996 0 R /Im412 997 0 R /Im413 998 0 R /Im414 999 0 R /Im415 1000 0 R /Im416 1001 0 R /Im417 1002 0 R /Im418 1003 0 R /Im419 1004 0 R /Im420 1005 0 R /Im421 1006 0 R >> /ExtGState << /GS2 789 0 R /GS3 790 0 R >> /Font << /TT3 773 0 R /TT4 771 0 R /TT5 778 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text /ImageC /ImageI ] >> /Contents [ 767 0 R 769 0 R 776 0 R 780 0 R 782 0 R 784 0 R 786 0 R 788 0 R ] /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Rotate 0 /StructParents 0 /Annots 762 0 R >> endobj 762 0 obj [ 763 0 R ] endobj 763 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /Rect [ 256.7399 589.12347 381.21771 602.65039 ] /Border [ 0 0 0 ] /H /I /A 1007 0 R /StructParent 1 >> endobj 764 0 obj /DeviceGray endobj 765 0 obj [ /Indexed 770 0 R 11 795 0 R ] endobj 766 0 obj 785 endobj 767 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 766 0 R >> stream